10 Things your cat absolutely loves


Besides being adorable, cats are unique creatures with a blend of independence, curiosity, and affection. Understanding what makes our cats happy can make our bond with them stronger.

In this article, we will share 10 things your cat loves, because these beloved companions have distinct preferences that cater to their needs and desires.

10 Things your cat absolutely loves

1. Playtimes galore

Cats are natural born hunters, so engaging them in playtime mimics their natural instincts. Whether it’s chasing a feather wand, batting at a toy mouse, or pouncing on a laser pointer, playtime keeps cats mentally stimulated, physically active, and immensely satisfied.

2. Comfy nap spots

Cats love nothing more than finding the cozy nooks and crannies to curl up in for a nap. A plush cat bed, a sunny windowsill, or a warm blanket on your lap will make them purr with contentment.

3. Scratching posts

Scratching is an innate behavior that helps cats maintain their claws and mark their territory. Providing them with a sturdy scratching post or a dedicated scratching board satisfies this need while protecting your furniture from their sharp claws.

4. Hideouts

Cats appreciate their own space. Offering them cozy hideouts, such as a cardboard box with a blanket inside or a specialized cat tree with perches and hiding spots, gives them a sense of security. It also gives them a place to retreat to when they desire solitude.

5. Yummy treats

Treat time is fun for felines. Offering them tasty, nutritious treats, whether store-bought or homemade, shows them how much you care. Remember to enjoy treats in moderation.

6. Lazy sunbathing

Cats are renowned sun worshippers. Basking in a sunbeam provides warmth and fulfills their innate desire for a comfortable and serene spot. A windowsill or a designated sunny area in your home will become their preferred hangout.

7. Gentle brushing

Most cats love the sensation of being brushed, as it keeps their fur in top shape condition but also provides a bonding experience. Regular grooming sessions with a soft brush or comb can be immensely pleasurable for both you and your feline companion.

8. Interactive toys

Interactive toys, such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing balls, engage cats’ intelligence and problem-solving skills. These toys simulate hunting behavior, providing mental stimulation and reward.

9. Quality bonding time

Cats adore spending quality time with their humans. Offering gentle petting, chin scratches, and soft whispers creates a strong bond and reassures them of your love and affection.

10. Elevated views

Cats are natural climbers and enjoy elevated views. Providing them with tall cat trees, shelves, or window perches allows them to survey their surroundings. This aligns with their instinctual need for security and observation.

The more you know what cats like, the happier they will be. These ten things cater to cats’ natural instincts and desires, from playtime to napping spots to gourmet treats to quality time bonding. By incorporating these preferences into their daily lives, we can create a fulfilling environment that fosters a deep bond with our feline companions. This will make sure they live a happy, fulfilling life.