How to introduce a new cat to your home


When bringing a new cat into your home, it is an exciting and challenging experience. However, you can ensure your cat’s wellbeing, happiness, and a smooth transition.

How long does it take for a cat to adjust to a new home?

Every cat is unique, so the time it takes to adjust to an unfamiliar home differs. Nonetheless, with a gradual introduction and patience, your new feline companion could find its place. It might take a few hours to a few weeks, or more. No one really has the answer to this.

For a smoother transition for you and your cat, follow these steps:

1. Prepare a safe and comfortable space

Choose a quiet room where your cat can settle in. Ensure it has everything it needs: food, water, a litter box, a scratching post, and a comfy bed.

Creating a few hiding spots using boxes or blankets could give your cat security.

2. Gradual introduction is the key

Allow your cat to explore the new space at his/her own pace. Keep the room door closed initially, providing a safe environment for adjustment.

Spend time with your cat as it explores its new environment, talking softly and offering treats and gentle petting to establish a positive association.

3. Scent exchange can help the process

Use a soft cloth to gently rub your cat’s face, then rub the same cloth on furniture and other items around the house. It helps transfer the cat’s scent and familiarize it with its surroundings.

4. Familiarize your cat with sounds and scents

Expose your cat gradually to the sounds of the new home, including television and radio, to help them adapt.

You can use a pheromone spray or diffuser (available at pet stores) to create a calming atmosphere.

5. Let your cat explore the house under your supervision

Once your cat appears comfortable in the designated room, open the door and allow them to venture into other areas of the house under your supervision. That said, keep an eye on their reactions, ensuring they don’t become overwhelmed or anxious. If needed, guide them back to their safe space and try again later.

6. Introduce other pets in the house

If you have existing pets, introduce them to your new cat gradually and controlled.

Pro tip: Using scent exchange by rubbing a cloth on each pet and allowing them to smell it can help progress towards supervised face-to-face interaction.

7. Provide stimulation

Offer interactive toys, scratching posts, and puzzle feeders to keep your cat mentally stimulated and alleviate boredom or anxiety.

And finally, be patient and observant

Never assume your cat will adjust on its own. Make adjustments to your introduction process if you notice signs of stress or discomfort.

Remember, creating a calm and positive environment is crucial during the introduction period. You can help your cat feel safe and secure in their new home by providing love, patience, and a gradual approach.