The Joys and Challenges of Living with Cats: Keren and Mushu, Israel


Keren is the first cat lover I have met in my life. We grew up together and as teenagers, we probably spent thousands of hours in each other’s company. While taking long walks, Keren pulled over every five minutes to pet a stray cat. I have to admit that back then, I just didn’t “get it”.

However, we were kindred spirits, and her love for cats gradually got to me (and for this I’ll be forever grateful!). So, it was natural to pick her up for a quick talk about her cat Moshu, and about the joys and challenges of raising cats.


When did your relationship with cats begin?

“Probably in previous incarnations,” Keren muses with a smile. “But it was when I left my parent’s house at 19 that I finally took the plunge and adopted a kitten. I named him Flash.”

Before that pivotal moment, Keren had an unofficial knack for attracting neighborhood cats and any other felines she could get her hands on. The love affair with cats had already begun, even if it hadn’t been officially sealed.

When asked what she likes the most about cats, Keren finds it difficult to choose just one.

“There are so many amazing aspects,” she says. “But if I had to pick, I would say their playfulness. It never fails to make me laugh.”

“Cats evoke positive emotions in me,” Keren continues. “They inspire me to dream, calm me, and provide immense comfort. I remember one particularly tough day at work when I was upset about something that had happened. As I walked down the street, a cat perched on a bus station seat caught my eye. I sat down beside the feline, and to my surprise, it allowed me to pet it. In just two minutes, my troubles seemed minuscule and solvable. If that isn’t therapeutic, I don’t know what is.”

However, raising cats comes with its own set of challenges.

Keren admits that the most difficult part for her is witnessing their suffering, empathizing with their pain, and eventually bidding them farewell when the time comes. Yet, amidst the difficulties lies the profound value cats bring to Keren’s life. “I believe cats expand the heart and nurture compassion,” she explains. It’s through caring for these graceful creatures that she has learned empathy and developed understanding.

Now, let’s focus on Keren’s feline companion, Mushu. A magnificent Maine Coon male, Mushu was aptly named after the famous dragon from Disney’s “Mulan.”

Sporting a striking gray-blue coat, Mushu is approximately a year and a half old. As main coons are large in size, they stretch their long bodies and reach up to their front paws in a graceful manner.

Any interesting quirks?

Weighing in at around 8 kilos, Mushu has an unusual way of coping with the summer heat. He seeks solace in long slumbers near the freezer, where a tantalizing whisper of cold air escapes. Whenever the freezer door is opened, Mushu cleverly positions himself underneath, relishing in a refreshing “shower” of frozen air.

Balloons and plastic bags, on the other hand, instill a sense of fear in Mushu, prompting him to prefer their absence to his surroundings.

During Keren’s vacations, Mushu finds comfort and companionship in Litchi, her friend’s cat. Having known each other since kitten days, the two have formed a bond that transcends species.

As for Mushu’s sleeping habits, he possesses a peculiar charm. Often found slumbering in a comical position, he lies on his side with his head and front paws facing in one direction. His belly faces upward, and his hind paws twist towards the opposite side. It’s a sight that always brings a smile to Keren’s face.