Why cats climb: 5 Reasons cats love trees and towers


If you have ever wondered why cats climb, well, it is as simple as that – because cats are excellent climbers. Actually, they like to reach the highest point in the room.

Cats are naturally inclined to climb and perch in high places, and tree towers provide them with the perfect opportunity to do so. 

white and gray cat on brown tree branch

5 reasons cats enjoy tree & towers

1. Instinctual behavior

Cats are predatory animals, and climbing trees is a natural behavior for them. In the wild, climbing trees allows cats to escape from predators, hunt for prey, and survey their surroundings for potential threats or opportunities. Tree towers simulate this instinctual behavior and provide a safe and elevated space for cats to indulge their climbing instincts.

2. They seek an elevated vantage point

Cats are curious creatures and love to observe their surroundings. Tree towers offer an elevated vantage point that allows cats to have a better view of their environment. From the top of a tree tower, cats can survey their territory, keep an eye on their human companions, and watch for any interesting activity or potential prey.

3. Territory marking

Cats are territorial animals, and tree towers provide them with a designated space that they can claim as their own. Cats have scent glands in their paws, and when they scratch on the surfaces of a tree tower, they are leaving their scent marks, effectively marking the tower as part of their territory.

orange cat

4. Safe and cozy resting place

Tree towers often have different levels, platforms, and enclosed spaces that provide cats with comfortable resting spots. Cats can curl up in a cozy cubby or stretch out on a soft platform, enjoying a sense of security and relaxation while being off the ground and away from potential disturbances.

5. Exercise and stimulation

Climbing up and down a tree tower helps cats exercise their muscles, maintain their agility, and burn off excess energy. It also provides mental stimulation as they navigate the different levels and explores the various features of the tower, keeping them entertained and engaged.

By providing a tree tower or other vertical structures, you can fulfill your feline companion’s natural instincts, offer an enriched environment, and create a space your cat can feel secure, entertained, and content.